Meet Our Writers
The Penthouse Perspective's roster of student contributors is full of big brains, big brawn, and even bigger personalities. Our contributors are highlighted below in their own personal profiles.
Get to know us

Adam Brunelle
Adam Brunelle is a Junior starter Goalie for the Chicopee High soccer team. He enjoys playing on JV and loves hanging out with his friends. He is outgoing, but can be lazy at times. He's uplifting and won't let anyone be down for too long. When he's not in school, he enjoys lying in bed and playing video games. When he's on his phone, he's typically scrolling through TikToks or playing Clash of Clans (He is a near max Town Hall 7 and he is very proud of it). Adam also is a Varsity Boys VolleyBall player and enjoys the sport almost as much as soccer. After high school, he's thinking about going into Business school, where he hopes to continue playing soccer at the collegiate level.

Alexander Johnston
Alex is a high school student in his junior year. He doesn't participate in any clubs or sports due to his 6 hour shifts at KFC 3 to 4 nights during the week. He hopes to get straight As during his junior year and to stay out of trouble. He cares about his friends heavily and wants to get out of high school with all of them and experience life. Recently, he underwent brain surgery coming out with a full recovery. He hopes to get back into sports again. Often times at home he plays video games, chills with friends, and many times he goes to the gym. After high school, he wants to earn his Bachelors Degree in college and he hopes to become either an electrical engineer or a radioactive engineer.

Arthur Alekseyenko
Arthur Alekseyenko is a sophomore at Chicopee High School. His hobbies include drawing and gaming. Arthur enjoys playing COD Warzone, Mario Kart, and Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Arthur has participated in swimming, J.V. boys volleyball and J.V. boys soccer. Arthur’s hopes are to do well in soccer and to graduate high school. Known for being an outgoing and friendly guy, Arthur hopes to make the most of this school year.

Blaize Mack
Blaize Mack is a senior at Chicopee High School. She is an outgoing, funny, and kind person who plays two varsity sports, Girls Basketball and runs Track & Field (and a competitive powder puff player in her free time). She also enjoys sleeping and crashing into her teacher's dad's car (sorry, Mr. Minic). Blaize has been playing basketball since she was in 5th grade, she's played on many AAU teams and plans on playing after high school in college. She only just started running track in sophomore year but accomplished winning 3rd place at the Western Mass meet in Spring of 2022. She’s been in the National Honor Society since her sophomore year. Aside from playing basketball in college, she plans on majoring in Criminal Justice although she doesn’t know where or for how long.

Cameron Foe
Cameron Foe is a hardworking student currently a senior attending Chicopee High School. Cam enjoys spending his free time with his friends and family, including his six cats and two dogs. If he isn’t spending time with his family, he’s busy playing video games, training for sports, and/or consuming copious amounts of digital media. Cameron runs Cross Country and Track & Field for Chicopee High School and has qualified for Western Mass in both sports. As an honors student athlete, he is also a member of NHS and a tutor. Cam likes to assume he's a funny guy but no one laughs with him. Other than his amazing sense of humor, Cameron is a quirky, talented, and athletic guy. After high school, Cam wants to attend Boston University for a degree in mathematics.

Cole Bryant
Cole, better known as “Mr. Bryant,” is a tennis extraordinaire. Last year, the CHS tennis team won the division and moved on to states. Unfortunately Cole is a self-proclaimed extraordinaire and is actually horrible at tennis, so they lost the first round. Some of Cole’s personal achievements are never failing a class and that's about it. A few of Cole's personality traits are that he is lazy and a procrastinator, made evident by the face that he likes attending school but not doing work in school. Cole’s hopes for the future are to become a pilot and to fly for Fedex because they make bank, stay in lifelong contact with his closest friends.

Dominick Flecha
Dominick Flecha a.k.a. Dom is a senior at Chicopee High. He is a quiet person but is more outgoing when he gets comfortable in his environment. He is an average student when it comes to academics, but still manages to get most of his work done. Dom spends most of his time playing basketball, 2K, and also works a part time job at McDonalds. Dom is a mostly outgoing person and an overall fun person to be around who enjoys making everyone around him happy. Dom wants to go to college to pursue a business career and eventually become an entrepreneur. Also, Dom was a member of the Chicopee High School basketball team for the past 2 years and plans on playing for his last year at Chicopee High School.

Eliezer Sanchez
Eli Sanchez is a junior at Chicopee High School. The third child of his siblings, he likes to think he's a natural-born comedian and probably the funniest kid in CHS history. He had an amazing job until he got fired and banned for 100 years. He is a member of the Chicopee High School Pacers Football team, Track team and Basketball team. Some of his hobbies include hanging out with friends, watching movies and making money. Eli's plans for the future are to graduate from CHS, and to pursue a career as a Carpenter, attending a trade school in the near future.

Gledson Rodrigues De Araujo
Gledson Rodrigues De Araujo, Jr. is a senior at Chicopee High School. Gledson is an upbeat kid with a lot of energy--sometimes a little too much energy. He is a 4-year athlete on the CHS Varsity football team and proudly wears the number 52. In his free time, Gledson likes to cook and to hit the gym. Gledson is originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil and his catchphrase is, “Bro I’m Brazilian.” Gledson can be very outgoing sometimes, but when it's time to work, he works. After high school, he plans to attend a four year university or college and hopefully play college football as well.

Grace McDonnell
Grace McDonnell is a senior at Chicopee High School. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family. Grace is shy, kind, and funny. In her free time she likes watching Netflix and playing sports with her brothers. Grace plans to attend college, although she doesn’t know what she wants to major in...yet. One achievement Grace has is she made honor roll Freshman and Sophomore year.

Jamil Rodriguez
Jamil is a junior at Chicopee High School. Jamil has historically played only basketball, but this year he is planning on giving the sport of golf a shot for the first time in his life. Jamil works at a roofing company called DMR (Dicky Matos Roofing). Aside from balling out and his job as a roofer, he likes to play video games in his free time. Jamil wants to start a business when he gets older and plans on becoming well-versed in the world of trading/investing in stocks

Jaycob Andujar
Jaycob Andujar is a sophomore at Chicopee High School and the sport of basketball is his passion. In his free time, though, he likes to play video games, and he also enjoys sleeping. Jaycob has been playing basketball since he was 4 and it has been a goal for him to be the best that he could be at it. Jaycob's goal are to graduate high school and to earn a college scholarship through his excellence in the sport of basketball. Jaycob is a very quiet kid but once he gets to know you, the more he opens up to you. Looking at the academic side of college, Jaycob intends to go to college for electrical engineering and wants to move to Florida. Jaycob has made all honors in school, and has won multiple aau championships for basketball.

Joel Forson
Joel Forson, the “Voice Of CHS” is a senior at Chicopee High School. Joel likes to play video games and to eat. In fact, he is well-versed in eating and often eats enjoying it alongside other hobbies like watching T.V. Joel also plays many sports like soccer, basketball, and football but within school, he plays Varsity Football and Track and Field. Joel is the Senior Class Vice President and the Treasurer of NHS alongside being ranked near the top of his class. Joel is very enthusiastic and loves to entertain. In the future, Joel wishes to attend Northeastern University and become successful with as business major.

Jovan Gollman
Jovan Gollman is a sophomore at Chicopee High School. Jovan enjoys perfecting his craft in his free time, either training for basketball or working out for strength and conditioning. Other than that, he enjoys working on his business which is a clothing brand. Jovan loves listening to music. Some of his favorite rappers are Lil Durk, Lil Baby and Drake. If you were to hang out with him, you would say he’s very funny, cool and easygoing. His greatest achievement must be launching his brand which is called Vestige Love. In the future, he wants to grow to be a great businessman/business owner. He would love for his clothing brand to blow up and get him wealthy and famous.

Justin Perez
Justin Perez is a junior at Chicopee High School and he loves to watch basketball and football. Justin used to play basketball, but he retired because he is probably hit all the growth spurts he's going to hit. Justin's shining achievement is that he works at Walmart, but he has also made honor roll. Justin is a funny kid and he is also strikingly handsome. Justin's plans for after high school are to either attend college for criminal justice or to not go to college and become a real estate agent.

Kaleb Maldonado
Kaleb Maldonado is a sophomore at Chicopee High School. Some things Kaleb enjoys to do in his free time are to play basketball, play video games, and sleep. He has been playing basketball for 11 years now. He started his early years playing for a local church league when he was four. Kaleb's achievements are making honor roll every year up until ninth grade and making the basketball team. If people had to describe Kaleb, they would say that he is a nonchalant person but also enjoys going out. Kaleb hopes to one day be a professional basketball player or to have his own real estate company.

Kenneth Foisy
Kenneth Foisy is a hard working sophomore who attends Chicopee High School. He enjoys hanging out with his friends and watching videos in his freetime. Kenneth does not participate in any sports as of now, but that could always change. Kenneth cares deeply about his school grades. Kenneth is a shy person that doesn’t talk much unless you’re close to him. He sees himself attending college in the future once he graduates high school in 2025.

Nicholas Kendra
Nick Kendra is a junior at Chicopee High School who plays both soccer and baseball. He is on the varsity team for soccer and hopes to also make it for baseball. He enjoys both sports very much and does a lot of training during the offseasons. Nick enjoys helping people out, and also hanging out with friends during his free time. Some of his hobbies include golfing, swimming, and fishing. Some of Nick’s accomplishments are being inducted into the National Honor Society last year, and also maintaining high honors for the two years he’s been at CHS. Once finished with high school, he wants to go on to a 4 year college where he will earn either a computer science or cybersecurity degree.

Daniel Lonczak
Daniel Lonczak, is a Junior at Chicopee High School. Daniel, who goes by Danny, likes to be with friends and family, play soccer and drive. He also likes cars, shoes, exercising, and watching movies. Danny plays soccer for Chicopee High School Varsity team, and he tried Tennis and does not know whether to play it again or try Baseball. Danny has been playing soccer since he was 4 years old and has always been interested in the sport though he may not be the greatest. Danny's biggest achievements are making honor roll every year, and being picked for Marshal for his sister's graduation. Danny is a quiet kid until he gets to know the person. He's talkative around the right people and cares for his friends and family. He is a responsible kid and works hard for what he wants. He is a trustworthy person and keeps his word. He hopes to one day have a well-paying job for his future family and to be able to afford the cars he likes. He wants to be able to have little worries and no stress, being healthy and still being able to enjoy the things he likes to do.

Noah Stone
Noah "Boat" Stone is a junior at Chicopee High School. He enjoys playing basketball and baseball playing both sports for CHS. Some of his other interests include hanging out with his friends and playing video games. Spending time with family is one of the many things that he likes to do, playing board games being another one of his more prominent interests. Noah's biggest personal achievement was being able to play varsity baseball as a sophomore at CHS. His best traits are his good sense of humor, being smooth with the ladies, and his good taste in music. Noah's hope for his undoubtedly bright future is that if he does not go to college, he wants to get his CDL license and be able to drive trucks for a living.