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Colts Stampede Pacers at Dunkin Stadium

Writer: Jaenedy AlcantaraJaenedy Alcantara

By Jordayn Padilla and Jaenedy Alcantara

On Friday April 29, the Chicopee Pacers Varsity baseball team went against their town rivals the Chicopee Comp Colts at the Dunkin Donuts Stadium. As soon as you arrived you were able to feel the crowd’s energy was very high and everyone was excited for the big game. The last time these town rivals went against each other was June 15th 2021 and the Colts took the win 4-3. After all the booing and cheering from both sides the game was ready to begin.

The Pacers were obliterated by the comp colts in a devastating 1-9 loss.

Starting off strong for the Pacers and Colts they both battled and didn’t allow any runs in the first and second inning. Things started heating up quickly as the Colts scored the first run in the third inning. Blake Whalen from the colts hit a deep shot to right field. Dropped by Noah Stone, a sophomore from the Pacers, in right, allowing him to get a double. Then shortly after Bryce Trumbull from the colts hit a deep shot to the left side allowing Blake to score and Bryce getting to third. Brady Brunette from the Pacers got the final out on a foul ball caught by the dugout.

After a no scoring inning in the fourth the Pacers began to fall apart in the fifth inning. To start off the fifth inning Landin Shaw a senior, from the Pacers was walked by comp’s pitcher which allowed for the pacers to put a runner in scoring position. Next up came Zach Oldenburg, a sophomore, who was hit by comp’s pitcher to add another player in scoring position. Then Noah Stone, a sophomore from the Pacers, bunted his way to first and was safe and moved runners and now the bases were loaded. Javier Castillo, a senior, having a great eye next to home plate, watched as ball 4 went by to move the runners to get their first and only run. Comp quickly shut the Pacer’s energy down by striking out Nathan Serrano, a senior , to end the inning.

Gavin Williams, freshmen from the colts hit a single up the middle to start the scoring marathon for the colts. Kaleb Kemp, a senior , started up the bunting rally. Following up Ja’cyion Cox bunted along the third baseline. First basemen tried to get an out at third but unfortunately overthrew the ball which allowed a score to come in. Another error made by the pacers by allowing a bunt to be safe because there was no cover at first. Shortly after the bunt rally started the hitting rally and the pacers couldn’t handle the heat and was set to flames. The pacers played an extensive inning leaving the score at a mind-blowing 1-8.

Picking up in the sixth inning Christian Cruz, a senior at Chicopee high, getting fired up hit a deep shot to center field allowing him to get a double. Unfortunately for Christian he was unable to score due to the Colts burning out the flame in his teammates. The Colts were able to score another run to make the score 1-9. A devastating loss for the pacers.

After the game senior from Chicopee High Christian Cruz said “If we kept our heads up after the errors and didn’t let stuff get to our head”. Sophomore Bryce Trumbull from Chicopee Comprehensive High school said “ I think we just put the ball in play, had a couple bunts down and they just couldn’t make the plays”.

As the Pacers look to correct their defensive mistakes, the Pacers are set to take on the Holyoke Knights May 2nd 2022 at Szot park at 4pm.



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